Released June 24, 2021
Customize all text on the Simple Subscriptions widget added to your product page. This includes the default field headers like "Purchase options" and "Delivery frequency" as well as the plan names and options themselves and more. Configure the form by:
- For static content that is not specific to any subscription plan, use Shopify's built-in "Customize" functionality from:
Online Store > Themes > Customize.
Once the customization interface is open navigate to any product with a subscription group setup. On the left menu select "Simple Subscriptions" to edit form text values like "Purchase options."
- For dynamic content that is subscription plan specific, all values can now be edited while creating or editing a subscription plan group. This includes form field labels like the plan name, description, interval select (e.g., Every month) and more. Visit a product page to create or edit the appropriate subscription plan group.
- If your theme is not yet compatible with the Customize interface, contact us via support for help configuring your form.